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Skye Boat Song (斯開島船歌)

這是一首蘇格蘭凱爾特民族風的歌謠,多年前曾在「凱爾特豎琴演奏曲集」(Celtic Harp)中聽過,但之前聽聽它的音樂也就罷了。今天偶然聽到,突然想到,這不是美劇Dexter (台灣譯為「夢靨殺魔」,大陸譯名「嗜血法醫」)中,許多深思及sentimental的橋段會放的曲調嗎? 原來是這首蘇格蘭民謠。http://www.mamalisa.com/images/non_ml_images/culloden_battle.jpg

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It was a peaceful walk in search of God, after a Sunday service on Sunday afternoon. So I said good-bye to mom and picked up my Canon 60d and headed to the creeks and mountains.


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Adieu, Angelina by Nana


午後,走進網路當中看看人們介紹怎樣的音樂。偶然看到娜娜(Nana Mouskouri)的老專輯,空氣中瞬間瀰漫著回憶。聽到一首未聽過的法文歌“Adieu Angelina”,喜歡這調子被娜娜唱得輕柔又有韌性,活潑的法文發音就像是少女的手指,輕輕掠過你的耳際與頸項。

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IMG_6963-2fs  After a long lapse, I visited Tianmu Old Trail again when the cold hit the hardest. The front has moved well into northern Taiwan today and temperature dropped to 12℃ during daytime. The sky was actually gray with foggy moisture, blocking everything that’s 300 yards away. Terrible visibility.


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A movie about love, forgiveness, relationships, and pursuit of the “self”. It’s more or less expressed through the eyes and languages of a psychotherapist (starred by Robin Williams).

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